How to Remove the Tonearm from the Numark PT01
Parts needed:
–straight pick, or thin metal rod (less than 2mm diameter)
-needle nose pliers (any and optional)
-the pin used for the tonearm axle has a star on one end
-the star does not fit through the metal part of the tonearm base
-the star must be pushed away from the tonearm to remove the pin
-the pics show a version of the tonearm that needs to be pushed from the inside out. try this first
-if pushing inside out doesn’t work, try pushing from the outside in, like in the video
-Remove the Tonearm Axle
1. Remove the tonearm axle by pushing the pin out with a straight pick (see pic_1_remove_pin)

-Remove Spring
2. Remove the spring, which attaches the tonearm to the tonearm base (see pic_2_remove_spring)

-Disconnect Wires
3. Disconnect the wires from the needle cartridge (see pic_3_disconnect_wires)

-Remove Wire from Tonearm
4. The tonearm wire is connected to the tonearm with adhesive. Hold the insulated part of the wire (not the tiny wires) and pull the wire away from the tonearm. see pic_4_remove_wire and pic_5_removed